Showing posts with label Beautiful pastel wall prints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beautiful pastel wall prints. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

How to Paint Like a Professional Artist

People of all ages and occupations have a strong desire to paint, but many never follow through. Some people fear painting due to insecurity or erroneous perceptions about what it means. Some people believe that painting takes natural talent or costly training and that they aren't artistic enough to create something beautiful. Others simply don't know where to start. They withdraw, intimidated by the overwhelming array of brushes, paints, and beautiful pastel wall prints on the shelves of art shops, believing that painting is too difficult for them to understand on their own.

Learning to paint, on the other hand, does not have to be daunting, and it does not necessitate skill, in-person lessons, or a large sum of money. All you need to learn to paint is a few tools, some focused practice, and the right mindset.

If you know what you're doing, painting with pastels can be a lot of fun and really satisfying. You can paint beautiful portraits, believe it or not.

Before we begin to paint beautiful pastel wall prints, let us have a look at what it actually means.


So, what exactly are pastels?

Pastels are coloured pigment sticks, similar to the pigment used in paint.

Pastels are applied to a surface (such as art paper) with a slightly rough or abrasive texture called "tooth," which allows the pigment to take and retain the pigment.

Soft pastels are the most widely used pastels. These are soft and crumbly, as the name suggests, and drawing with them is more like a painting than drawing. There are harder pastels available, but they're mostly reserved for sketching and fine detail work.

There are many advantages of using pastels as an artistic medium. First and foremost, there isn't anything else you'll need. You'll just need the pastels, some paper, and a drawing board.

Second, pastels are simple to work with. You don't need to prepare the paper's surface before you begin working, and you don't need chemicals to clean yourself or your work area afterward.

Over here, we are also providing you the different types of colours to consider or you may need to buy; Cold Red, Warm Red, Orange, Cold Yellow, Cold Green, Warm Green, Cold Blue, Warm Blue, Cold Violet, Warm Violet, Black, and White.

How to paint pastel wall art?

  • After you've got your pastels, you'll need something to work on, and paper is the obvious option. It's also a good idea to have some practice paper on hand when you're first starting out.
  • There are many forms of art paper available, including the pastel-specific paper you can surf through the internet and explore seamlessly.
  • The following item you'll need is a drawing board. A drawing board is nothing more than a rigid surface to which you can clip your page. It can then be shown on an easel, spread out on a table, or simply leaned against your knees.
  • All you need to get started painting with pastels are the pastels themselves, some paper, and a drawing board.
  • You may want to consider getting a proper easel as you advance, and you'll definitely want to consider some blending and correcting tools, but there's no reason you can't get these as and when you need them.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Beach Art Prints Australia: Get Lost in the Masterpiece

Executive Summary:

Despite being one of the popular art forms, beach art prints remind of the beautiful nature. Add to your decor and experience the feeling of warmth and relaxation. The beauty will compel you to transition into a relaxed mode. There is something more about beach art prints.

Beach Art Prints

The masterpiece will remind you of the ‘The Blue Mind’. It shows the connection of humans with water. Scientifically, our brain will reach positively with water. You can gain insight to work on innovation and find what is broken.

You can choose different versions of it to make your room trendy and attractive. You can strengthen your mind too. You can emulate much about the style that will complement with the definite form. The ever-changing landscape is perfectly captured. The swirls of color are enough to jazz up any place only you have to go through the beach art prints Australia.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Pastel Art: The Best Still Life Wall Art Prints Exposed!


The still life paintings are popular since the 16th century. Because inanimate objects are focussed as the main subject, these exemplary pieces of artwork are perfect for your home decor. If you feel it has time to upstyle your home, have a look at the exceptional piece presented by original still life art prints Australia.

  • Now it’s time to tell a tale!

This piece of spectacular art is telling a tale, as it permeates everywhere into your room. Logically, you can add it to transform your home for lively decor. The painting depicting a consistent them will also add value to your surroundings. Since this piece of artwork of places covers the most geographical locations, these pieces will inspire your wall too. The bold streaks comprising dark, light, highs, lows contrasts can add drama to your wall.

Why add for your contemporary decor. The impact of storytelling is prevalent in contemporary culture. While transforming your decor, you can connect to the past or future in different ways. Even, you can personalize to add value. For example, you can add color, art and meaningful objects around the painting.

  • Promote a sustainable approach

Promoting sustainability is a trending topic these days and it is going to be more popular. Your actions will be justifying your thoughts. Arrange the sustainable furniture items and this will signify the mark of a minimalist style. Adding natural photography into the decor will bring freshness and remind you about the beautiful planet. Adding these artworks will effortlessly create nurturing spaces and calmness, as the mother earth does.

Buying fewer pieces is enough to create a haven and an eco-friendly environment. Thanks to Pastel Art artists who offer us such options. Whichever path you want to go for styling in 2020, it is clear that the people are opting for an earthy approach to styling from sub-conscious to the eco-conscious world.

  •     Colors and hues
The ecological vibe is well completed with colors in this piece of painting. The artists have highlighted the earthen base with light pops of hues. Unlike earlier, the decoration trends are moving from the artificial to natural. From soft violets to gorgeous greens, the balance of pastel colors is outstanding.

You can go bold and wild, as the signs of color are exemplary. The neutral base of the painting is well-defined by the silver lining over the cloud. Besides the simple approach, there are ample things to consider including the color palettes. Although the color palettes have aquatic and oceanic appeal, the whole work seems centric in itself. The fresh and breezy look will transform your decor in no time. Inevitably, the interior trends are centering towards materials and organic tones. Have a look at the green, blue and earthy tones to find the spotlight. That’s it.

Do you want to evaluate the world’s finest still life wall art prints? Made by renowned artists, Pastel Art Prints has been offering world-class paintings. Besides the still life art, our artists have covered every genre. To know more and evaluate the award-winning works, visit our gallery.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pastel Painting Tutorial: How can you Use Oil Pastels?


This pastel art tutorial is going to be full of fun and will let you know the essential tips to use the pastels. While your painting will be beautiful, oil pastels can be a bit difficult to apply. Inevitably, with the implementation of certain techniques and a bit of effort, you can easily create a spectacular oil pastel painting. Let’s this discuss in detail.

Collecting the Materials

  • Choose necessary materials: Assemble the canvas, sandboard, pastel paper, and watercolor paper. Each of the items has enough texture or tooth to adhere to while creating any piece of art. Paper that has a thickness of 90 gsm is suitable for lighter drawings, i.e., for the sketch-type drawings. Papers with 160 gsm are recommended for creating a bolder palette. Avoid using the smooth paper, as it will not properly stick to the pastel.
  • Buy Pastels: Always choose a pastel set from trusted brands or manufacturers. Unlike other brands, oil pastels are only offered by a few artist-level brands. Beginners can prefer extra fine oil pastels. Pastels are student-grade types and competitive with the artist-grade brands. You can choose any palette of the artist-grade brands.
  • Blend: You can mix hard and soft pastels to create flexibility. Harder brands are suitable for creating fine details, including outlines and layers while the softer ones are suitable for creating saturated, heavy layers of the firm pastels. From the hardest to softest, the artist-grade brands are Cray-PaS Specialist, Sennelier Oil Pastels, etc.
  • Choose accessories: Some accessories are erasers, brushes and blending tools. You can easily smudge your oil pastels by using the accessories. You can use a kneaded eraser for erasing. It is also known by the name putty rubber. You can choose some cotillions, cylindrical drawing tools, that are suitable for smudging and blending. You can use swapping tools to swap with nail cleaning knives and toothpicks.

Employing General Techniques

  • Select any subject that you want to draw: You can choose easy subjects like dogs, houses, apples, etc. You can choose something challenging like persons or landscapes.
  • Use a rough sketch to draw your planned image: The test sheet is identical to your chosen pastel paper, therefore you can start by drawing small and simple. Start by applying a small amount of pressure. Do not focus on adding too many details. Focus on generating the outline. Continue practicing, unless you achieve perfection.
  • Create an outline: Use hard, colored pastel to create a light outline on the pastel paper. Select a light color and start by applying a small amount of paper. Mistakes are inevitable, but you can erase the test paper and start with the new.

Move from background to foreground: While working with pastels, it is necessary to start from the background to the foreground. This principle is easy to create a basic outline. Similarly, you can add subsequent layers and fill the drawing with colors. Now you have completed the pastel painting tutorials. The world’s finest painting is available at “Pastel Art Prints”. To check the best painting made by renowned artists, visit our website.

Also if you are interested in Original Still life art prints, Click on this link to read this article.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Showcasing Spectacular and Original Still life Art Prints

Executive Summary

Stressing out is inevitable for an individual, but the situation can be epidemic. No doubt that our health and mental well-being are a treasure. What would you like to do after a hectic session? Probably, the  Beautiful Still Life Art Prints  can be the best way to soothe our minds.

A still life is itself a genre that depicts inanimate subjects, including natural things and man-made ones. Artists arrange objects and their efforts can be seen in their outstanding artwork.

Below are some mind-blowing still life art created by renowned artists. Let’s restore peace and add bliss to your life.

  • Water Art

Do you know that looking at water, in real and reel life, reduces your stress level? This is a research-proven fact, and the effect of colorology and paintings work in the same ways. How is it working? Water colorology or water art has been inducing peace to busy or one’s life. Water images are soothing your soul in every respect as it affects an individual in different ways. Do you want to know how? From a reflection to still surface, one can mold themselves simply by looking at paintings. Like buddha bliss, it aims at creating eternal peace. The water streams not only depict a water source but show inner contentment that one can get by diving into the world of freedom.

It’s time for you to create a sanctuary by hanging them at your wall. If you correlate the still art to different works, it is representing serenity in another way. Peace lies within and one should effort in every way to find that.

  • Petal Art Prints

Humans have a special connection with nature and this is proved by looking at petal art prints that affect an individual’s minds. But how can it bring restorative experiences? Looking for visual aspects is another way to put forward a micro-restorative feeling. The natural beauty is a great way to unwind as flower photography is breathtaking. Buds represent magnificent springing from mud; the unfolding stage focuses to show soul advancement and spiritual connection. This is how it connects religion and soul together. Choosing such options is an attractive way to connect within the workplace or home.

  • Piling Stones

Stacking stones on a structure is a great way to promote the stillness of one’s mind and body. From focus to attention. The painting depicts the connection between focus and balance and the outer world. The artwork signifies the importance of equilibrium. Tranquility is an inevitable part of the structure. This is how the painting is shifting from nature’s chaos to a calm state. Where should you place this painting? Set it in the meditation room, and this is how you leverage features of it.

  • Illumination

The sunlight and candles are great sources of illumination. From calmness, softness to self-care, this piece of artwork is magical in itself. The enigmatic approach to its glow soothes one’s mind and eliminates the tension mode. Illuminate the washroom with the spectacular piece of art and search for the heaven secret.

The marvelous collection of original still life art prints is available. For more information, search Pastel Art Prints.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Decor with the Colourlogy of Beautiful Pastel Wall Prints

Whether you want to revive your home decor with wall art of animals, colors have always been influential. Before delving into wall art, we will have to focus on lookups.
Maybe you have found a perfect piece of wall art, but it is not just about hanging it up. Let’s discuss efficient methodologies of transforming home decor.

A. Importance of Colorology

Colorology is color psychology that shows the impact of colors on an individual’s well-being. Think of your favourite color and you will start feeling good. This way of healing is known for centuries, and it is time for us to add in our home decor.

But what is the best way of adding these colors to our homes? Art prints. You do not need to paint your wall as you can add spectacular wall art to boost your mood. Placing wall art is also a technique to enhance allure. Position your art, add complementary colors and add decoratives. Now you are ready to go.

B. Arranging Paintings

  • Choose an open area: Designate an area along the wall and leave a marginal space around each side where the painting is to be fixed. Now you have plenty of space or room to add accessories and decorations. Place your the wall art of animals in the targeted area. Place large paintings near the lower area of the wall to avoid the focus away from the mainframe.
  • Fill Surrounding: Small art pieces are beautiful and can be added around a central piece of art. It will enhance the overall look by displaying symmetry. Still-life art or classic artwork adds more personal touch than any other genre. Customized frames are useful to add styles to various art forms.
  • Personalize the Wall: Don’t limit your gallery wall. Combine various forms of painting, including framed, mounted and ornamental. Be sure to follow similar colour themes that can match with your furniture. If one art differs from another, then you can use similar frames. If we add similarly frames, it will create a cohesive look.
  • Arrange According to Artwork: Organize accessories to the line of artwork. Know artforms and dive deeper into it. Minimalist styles of painting have a unique sign. Contrary to it, abstract art has its signature appeal.
  • Adding Extras: Adding lighting elements is a great way to add emphasis. This is how you enhance the overall look of any picture visually. A simple spotlight is enough to add a new dimension to any form of art. No need to add fixture. Arrange the available light sources. Never use harsh spotlighting.
  • Focal Point: Now it is time to turn your painting into the focal point of the room. Beautiful pastel wall prints can be the center of attraction. Select the center of your wall and reserve that spot for the painting. Be sure that the painting is at the eye level so that viewers can easily notice.
Pastel Art Prints’ have a genre of paintings, including still life art. If you want to choose the best paintings made by award-winning artists, then you can explore our gallery.

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